Pride Rock Grille at the Abdo New River Room
Enhance your experience by adding the Pride Rock Grille at the Abdo New River Room. The Lion King pre-show buffet dining experience is conveniently located on the Broward Center campus.
The culinary feast features a buffet of succulent starters and entrees inspired by the flavors of African cuisine. Includes a dessert bar including selections of fresh fruit, berries, assorted cookies and brownies.
A meal experience for the whole family is just a few steps from your theater seats.
Buffet service begins 2½ hours before show time so you won’t miss the breath-taking opening minutes of Disney's The Lion King performance. Beverages and gratuity not included. $40.00 for adults and $20.00 for children 10 and under when purchased in advance. $5.00 more at the door.